I woke up at 6:27 am.
I reused an old Quora answer and published it under a new question on Quora.
I wrote 710 words for a blog post.
On a train to work, I created 4 new templates for ads and sent orders to my team. I also corrected a Quora answer I got from a new proofreader.
After work, I went for my shoulder rehab.
On a train back home, I formatted and published a post on my blog.
I had time only to eat something and I ran for my church community meeting.

I slept for 6.5 hours. I napped for 5 minutes.

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I woke up at 7:19 am.
I wrote 330 words for a Quora answer, then, I spellchecked, formatted and published the answer.
I created a couple of new template ads and orders for my team.
I lifted my wife’s bike to a repair shop.
I noticed her car got a flat tire. I installed a spare and drove to a mechanic to fix ithe tire.
I sent a couple of payment confirmations to my accountant.
I helped my wife with ads.
The physical activity in the morning got on me. I caught a 1-hour nap.
I wrote 360 words for a blog post.
I attended my mastermind call. During the call, I crunched the numbers of my customer. I continued it after the call.
I checked on my coaching clients.
In the evening, I went for a brief bike ride. After that, I wrote a monster email to my customer with a summary from my numbers-crunching session.
I checked ads of a customer and sent him an update. I got an email from Steve Scott and replied to it immediately.

I slept for 8 hours. I napped for one hour.

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I woke up at 5:07 am.
I discoovered, to my horror, that I haven’t sent any documents to my accountant since the beginning of July. I spent 45 minutes downloading invoces, payment confirmations and packaging them. I sent the whole bunch to my accountant.
I reused an old Quora answer and published it under a new question on Quora.
I wrote 740 words for a blog post.
I replied to 5 emails from my readers and answered to a couple of blog comemnts on EBY.
On a train to work, I planned my week in my calendar.
In the afternoon, I work for about an hour crucnching the numebrs of my customer.
I checked on my coaching clients.
In the evening, I went for my church community meeting.

I slept for 7 hours.

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I woke up at 8:33 am.
I wrote 360 words for a Quora answer, then, I spellchecked, formatted and published the answer.
I wrote 370 words for my novel.
In the afternoon, I drove to a saune and spent an hour there relaxing.
I dumped on paper some of the tasks that were crowding my head.

I slept for 8 hours.

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2,200 New Subscribers

I woke up at 6:19 am.
In the morning, I had a call with my accountability partner.
I checked the results of the book giveaway and I was blown away. Over 2,200 subscribers in two days!
I combined a couple of old Quora answers and answered a new question.
I wrote 870 words for a blog post; I got the idea for this post listening to the Brian Buffini’s podcast this morning.
I answered to a few emails from my readers. Some of them had troubles accessing the email form on my webpage to get a free book.
I spent a couple of hours going over my customers’ sales data. I sent my summary to the two of them.
In the evening, I went with my son for our church community meeting.

I slept for 7 hours. I napped for 40 minutes.

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I woke up at 6:01 am.
I reused an old Quora answer and published it under a new question on Quora.
I wrote 330 words for a story to a co-authored book and 440 words for a new Quora answer.
I answered to several emails, mainly from readers.
On a train to work, I sent a few orders for ads to my team.
I also processed files with sales data from one of my customers.
It was a slow day in my day job, so I managed to process another’s customer sales data.
In the afternoon, I read the rest of the stories for co-authored book, added a few comments and sent the manuscript back to Jeannie. I also sent an email to Steve Scott about his story in the book.
In the evening, I went for my church community meeting.
I replied to an email from a customer and another from a reader.

I slept for 6.5 hours.

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I woke up at about 8:30 am.
I published a Quora answer reusing some of my book’s content.
I wrote 670 words for my novel.
I went with my kids for a mass.
I drove to a swimming pool; I spent some time relaxing in a sauna.
The whole day I observed how the giveaway I participated in was going. It was going great, I got several hundred new subscribers. I answered to one email from a would-be reader who couldn’t download the book.

I slept for about 8 hours. I napped for 40 minutes in the afternoon.

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I woke up at 6:01 am.
I reused an old Quora answer and published it under a new question on Quora.
I wrote an email broadcast (480 words).
I added 190 words finishing a blog post for Resurrecting Books.
On a train to work, I planned the rest of the week in my calendar. I also corrected my The Slight Edge report according to my proofreader’s remarks.
After work, I caught a nap and rode on a bike for half an hour.
I checked on a few accounts of my customers and sent 5 emails to them.
In the late evening, I worked for 90 minutes:
-I formatted my TSE report and published it
-I spellchecked, formatted and scheduled an email broadcast
-I scheduled a couple of tweets about the book giveaway I participate in

I slept for 7 hours. I napped for 15 minutes.

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I woke up at 6:36 am.
I found an original question about habits on Quora. I wrote (920 words), spellchecked and published an answer for it.
I drove with my wife to a nearby (15 miles) sanctuary. I bought a stack of books written by saints. We had a coffee and a piece of apple pie before driving back home.
I sent four emails to my customers asking them for their sales history data.
I fixed some mess caused by my tem member in my UK ads. I archived some ads of my customer. I created a couple of template ads for customer’s new book.
I attended my mastermind call.
I checked on my coaching clients.
I worked for an hour on a new co-authored book.
I create a few orders for ads and sent them to my team.

I slept for over 7.5 hours. I napped for 20 minutes.

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I woke up at 7:01 am.

I reused my book’s content to answer a question on Quora.
I caught up with tracking.
I wrote 420 words for a blog post for ResurrectingBooks.
On a train to work, I added another 430 words to the post. I also planned my week.
I sent three emails to my customers.
I had a call with my co-author.
I lifted my son to a town and picked my daughter. I got a haircut.
I checked on my coaching clients.
I sent a couple orders for ads to my team member.
I reported my 12WY progress in an accountability group.
I visited BOP forum and posted a few posts.

I slept for 7 hours.

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